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En tant que membre du REPOL (et donc membre du SPIE), vous avez la chance d’appliquer à des bourses variant de 2 500$ à 11 000$ offertes par le SPIE ! Vous devez être inscrits à un programme en optique, photonique ou un domaine connexe. Les étudiants sous-gradués et gradués peuvent appliquer. La date limite […]
Huge Success for the 12th Ed. of the Photonics Games!
It is with joy and enthusiasm that Université Laval students welcomed nearly 300 grade 11 students for the 12th edition of the Photonics Games. Again this year, this activity took place over a two-day period, October 29th and 30th. No fewer than 80 volunteers were involved in this fun event as helping hands with the […]
Simon Duval and Louis-Rafaël Robichaud, two members of REPOL, appeal to your…
Simon Duval and Louis-Rafaël Robichaud, two members of REPOL, are appealing your artistic talents to create an original logo for their future company, Femtµm ! Femtµm’s goal is to develop revolutionary infrared lasers for innovative applications in environment, health, defense and industries. There is a prize of 300$ for the winner – you have until […]