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INO visit
The REPOL is organizing a visit to the national institute of optics (INO) on the 4th of December at 1:30 PM. It should approximately lasts 2 hours. To make it easier for you, the REPOL is organizing the carpooling. To participate in this activity, you just have to fill up the following form: See you there! Posted by | View Post | View Group
Visiting Lecturer: Prof. Ursula Gibson
Last Friday, the COPL was pleased to welcome the Optica President: Prof. Ursula Gibson from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Pr Gibson gave a lecture entitled “Semiconductor-Core Fibers” as well as visit the COPL facilities. The REPOL took the opportunity to present the Quebec student chapter of the Optica and its many projects. […]
En tant que membre du REPOL (et donc membre du SPIE), vous avez la chance d’appliquer à des bourses variant de 2 500$ à 11 000$ offertes par le SPIE ! Vous devez être inscrits à un programme en optique, photonique ou un domaine connexe. Les étudiants sous-gradués et gradués peuvent appliquer. La date limite […]