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Welcome to our website!

REPOL is a student organization affiliated with Quebec's SPIE and OSA student chapters. A student chapter is a group of students who are members of a professional society. Every student member of this society is automatically member of the student chapter. REPOL represents the students for SPIE, OSA, the COPL and the university. It also organizes several academic, training and networking activities while supporting scientific education within the community.

SPIE logo   OSA logo   COPL logo

Ongoing and future events

  • Christmas party [December 19th, 2015]: The COPL christmas party was once again a great success. This year's thematic: The 80's ! [photos]
  • Special cocktail for the 10th anniversary of the REPOL [September 17th, 2015]: With many invited professors and old members of the REPOL, this special edition cocktail was a great success (Photos).
  • COPL official calendar: Click here to access the COPL activities and conferences calendar.

Latest news

  • Fantasy hockey league [September 29th, 2015]:Want to participate in the 2015 fantasy hockey league of the COPL? Check out your emails or write us to know how to register.
  • Annual general assembly [September 17th, 2015]: Click here to discover the new officers of your favorite student chapter for the year 2015-2016!
  • Pétanque tournament [June 18th, 2015]: With a record number of participants, the international Pétanque tournament of the COPL was a great success again this year. It was followed by a great evening on a terrace where several prices were awarded. Congrats to the team Vallée for their victory! [photos]
  • Réal-Tremblay grant [June 5th, 2015]: This year, four candidates were enlisted for the Real-Tremblay grant. After deliberation of the judges, the grant was awarded to Denis Paneton for his presentation on the production of needles of light. The REPOL congratulates all four candidates for the exciting presentations! [photos]
  • 5-10 km challenge [April 29 th, 2015]: It is with great pleasure that the running club and some members of the COPL participated to the Université Laval 5-10 km challenge! [photos]
  • COPL sugar shack [April 10th, 2015]: The sugar season has begun and many COPL students and professors were eager to go to the annual sugar shack event! [photos]
  • Industrial round table [April 9th, 2015]: Many professors and industrial representatives participated to the 2105 edition of the industrial round table, which was followed by a nice 6 to 7 for networking! [photos]
  • Université Laval campaign [February 17th, 2015]: With the beginning of the IYL, the REPOL in collaboration with Laserax unveiled the 2015 funding objective of the Université Laval Foundation in a very unusual way ! [photos]
  • Neurolinks [February 24th, 2014]: Neurolinks is a unique networking event for graduate students in biophotonics and neuroscience. For more information, please contact Philippe Dufour.
  • Christmas party [December 19th, 2014]: To end this wonderful year, the COPL in collaboration with the REPOL organized its annual christmas party. This year's thematic: James Bond ! [photos]
  • A curling evening [December 4th, 2014]: With the beginning of the cold winter of Quebec City, the REPOL has decided to organize for his members an initiation to curling! [photos]

A meeting with light

As part of the International year of light, it is with a great pleasure that the REPOL and its partners invite you to visit the exhibition "Rencontre avec la lumière" (A meeting with light). This exhibition aims to initiate the public to the wonderful field of optics and photonics by presenting educative demonstrations related to light and its importance in our everyday lives.

For more information about the event, please click here.

International Year of Light

On 20 December 2013, the United Nations proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light (IYL 2015). This special year is a great opportunity to increase awareness about optics and photonics all around the world. With this goal in mind, a team of SPIE members led by SPIE Future Leaders Committee past chairs Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard and Jason Grenier translated the IYL logo in 10 languages. Do not hesitate to use them to promote the science of light in your surroundings.

Le 20 décembre 2013, les Nations Unies ont proclamé 2015 l'Année Internationale de la Lumière (IYL 2015). Cette année spéciale est l'occasion de promouvoir l'optique et la photonique à travers le monde. Avec cet objectif en tête, une équipe de membres du SPIE menée par Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard et Jason Grenier, tous deux anciens présidents du comité Future Leaders du SPIE, a traduit le logo en 10 langues. N'hésitez pas à les utiliser pour faire connaître les sciences de la lumière dans votre milieu.

Languages - Langues

Letter sent to the IYL 2015 secretariat
Lettre envoyée au secrétariat de l'IYL 2015

For all the details about IYL2015, we encourage you to visit the official website.

Pour connaître tous les détails à propos de IYL2015, nous vous encourageons à visiter la page web officielle.

On August 16th, 2014, SPIE Student chapter leaders participated in the translation of IYL logo in more than 15 languages during the annual Student Chapter Leadership Workshop at Optics+Photonics. The translation project allowed us to provide the IYL logo in more than 25 languages to this day.

Le 16 août dernier, des officiers des chapitres étudiants du SPIE présents au Student Chapter Leadership Workshop durant la conférence Optics+Photonics ont participé à la tradution du logo de l'IYL dans plus de 15 langues qui s'ajoutent aux 10 déjà disponibles.


Other REPOL websites

For more information about the large-scale events organized by our student chapter, visit their websites:

JP2013 Laboratoire d'holographie Photonics ToolkiT